

Eye Examination

During an eye examination, we ensure your prescription meets the individual requirements of both your work and everyday life. This consists of checks for distance, near and binocular vision.

As people live longer in the new century, they are frequently outliving the functional life of their eyes. We are particularly concerned with aging changes, especially cataracts, glaucoma, and macula degeneration. The examination includes a microscope assessment of the front and a stereoscopic investigation of the inside of the eye, followed by measurement of the intra-ocular pressure for glaucoma. Latest technology using an OCT (ocular coherence tomography) allows us to examine the eyes deeper than we have in the past and make decisions on vision health more accurately

Onsite Lab

Eyes2Port offers a full in house lab, which allows us to make most prescriptions both accurately and quickly. Our slogan “Glasses Made While You Wait” means that your glasses will be ready the same day you order them, provided that the lenses are in stock.